2009年1月5日 星期一

My 7-day Taipei Trip


Below is a summary of my trip to Taipei, I shared with my sisters. So, the following is a summary targeting for my sisters without additional editing. I have not been back for more than 15 years. I am very impressed about what I saw and experienced during the past several days.

Day 1 in Taipei:
We are impressed by the courtesy of Taiwanese people; the Taxi drivers are very polite and very conversational. People work in Hyatt is at par with the Sheraton customer service representatives I met back in Kobe Japan few years ago. We woke up and stopped by Taipei 101 at late 10 am closer to 11 am ish so we saw the opening of the food court. My first breakfast in Taipei 101 is oyster pancake and fish ball soup. We then window shopped all the expensive retail stores in Taipei 101, and visited the world claimed highest tower. Our lunch in Taipei 101 was sitting by Sushi bar, having sushi. The bill was about US $20, which was very reasonably inexpensive. Then, freshly squeezed juice. We then went to Museum Palace, saw display, and listen to symphony (a weekend program)…all were free o f charges due to weekend. We then went to鼎泰豐 for dinner. When we came back to hotel, it was about 9 PM local time, we were so tired and went to sleep without cleaning or brushing our teeth.

Day 2:
We had breakfast in Starbucks (very good bakery), then we met Danny’s aunt in our apartment. Before we were in our apartment, we were looking around and I could not find the location because it has been changed so much. I did not take any pics from apartment except SAT book and Danny/EJ marriage certificate; I did not feel of taking anything without you guys around, so it might be my next visit or future visits. Then, we said goodbye to aunt, we bought some more bakery and candies on the way back to Subway station, Aunt recommended a shop that is close to our apartment which is very famous, broadcasted by TV program. We went back to Taipei 101 and had Shabu Shabu, less than $10 per person so it is a very reasonable price. Franklin had sushi again after Shabu Shabu; he enjoyed sushi too much to miss; We had fresh juice again afterward. At night, we went to a night market close to Taipei 101, very crowded; we did not buy anything, just looking. I learned my lesson not to buy anything to regret from my Hong Kong experience (all goodies will turn to junk when it is day light). I had octopus balls (Japanese snack) and then we had good sweet icy dessert afterward (with pearls), again, it is a very famous station with a line of people. We did not eat dinner; Franklin had few bread from bakery (from morning leftover).

Day 3:
We had breakfast in one of the coffee shops of food court of Taipei 101, again, we saw they open the store, we were their first guests – we had fresh coffee and bakery, we were in heaven. We went window shopping, 新光三越(信義區). We did not buy anything, b/c the price is too high, and we can buy the same thing in US with reasonable price. Franklin likes a brand – D.G., the people work there wear fancy clothes, pointy shoes, spiky hairs, etc. He did not buy the shoes b/c it will be US $150 a pair. We window shopped and shopped, when I went back to hotel, my toes de-formed, from toes to flat deformed shape due to walking in uncomfortable shoes. We did try to buy comfy shoes for me, but, either too pricy or no fitted size. We went to書店 : 誠品 , Franklin enjoyed all the designer featured furniture and stuff (with a big sign of “no touch”), b/c he will become a designer someday, very good aspiration for him to see all the famous Asian designer products. We had lunch inside the food court of新光三越. I had oyster pancake again as my pre-lunch appetizer. We had the same type of food as 鼎泰豐, but not as good as 鼎泰豐, comparing to US food, it was good enough, and Franklin enjoyed it. We saw many working people having lunch there (lunch set). We went back to rest, then took ta xi to宵夜 : 復興南路+信義路口 à 清粥小菜. That was the only one we did not enjoy b/c we picked the wrong one, we picked the one run by Cantonese, so the taste was oil y and full of Cantonese duck flavor in every dish, so we rushed our dinner and came back to buy more bread from bakery (a safe resort).

Day 4:
Today, it is my birthday, so we plan to go to新光三越(信義區) A11號 6F 紅豆食府 for lunch to celebrate. 紅豆食府 was a good choice for my birthday. After lunch, we went to our uncle’s art studio 楊興生工作室. We took subway to his工作室. We talked to two faithful and loyal workers (2 ladies) who work for our uncle. We were impressed by his paintings and very proud of him. You can check out his website http://www.artyhs.idv.tw/ . Uncle called me when I arrived back in hotel, we chatted, I also talked to his son, and they are nice people. Uncle wanted to take me out to dinner, but I nicely turn him down. He wanted me to say Hi to our mom, he said he missed our mom. His son told me that our uncle got heart attack and cancer within 3 years, but he is recovering, getting better. However, when he called me yesterday, he was on his way back home from hospital due to a cold. His son sounds very nice and knows how to take care his father.

We also went to the park where Ben and I took our wedding picture and video, same place but it seems bigger with two more new buildings. We saw few high school students practiced dance move there after school. We went back to 101, had dinner on the 5th floor.

I called our half-sister, but her daughter answered the phone when I called her church. She was not there, her daughter told me she only goes to church to work when there are younger children (sounds like she is in charge of a children program). I decide not to bother her anymore, b/c she might not want her daughter knows about us.

Day 5:
Everyone here is very excited to prep for New Year eve event, a lot of policemen on the street, a lot of small food/snack stands, I bought and ate some. We had morning coffee as usual, except I tried hot rice drink (w/ coffee), different this time, not as good as I thought. Lunch in 101 basement again, Japanese style. We then went to watch a very good Japanese movie, a drama and suspense movie which I enjoyed but Franklin can only guess what was going on. Dinner in 101 again, sushi, Franklin’s choice. We are now in the hotel, watching TV, listened to the 101 event台北101 跨年 新年not far away from us. We can watch from our window, see thousands of people in front of the stage. Ben and Franklin would like to go out to celebrate new year when we get closer to 12 mid night. 2 more days left to enjoy Taipei. All these past few days, I was looking for people who might look like F4, however, very disappointed; people here are not like F4 at all, not even close.

We watched fireworks with others, very impressive of number of people on the street, mostly younger people. We counted down together, then we bought snack from 7-11 stand, a boiled egg, tou-fu, fish and meat balls in a bowl of soup, we walked back to hotel watched TV programs.
Day 6
We had 鼎泰豐 and Perl tea. We went to watch a New Year program / symphony in National Music Theater, a 2-hour long symphony / orchestra, it was so high end, high class that we all went into deep sleep during the program. It was worth it, b/c I had never been so relaxed, fallen asleep quickly. A very expensive beauty sleep. I noticed a lot of people, old or young, did go into sleep during program too. Prior to the program, we went to 士林 Shilin night market, very crowded, filled with tourists.

Day 7
We had lunch/清粥小菜 in 新光三越. We then window shopped. Franklin actually bought a T-shirt like fleece in Net yesterday, and he bought a Nike bag in night market (the one close to where we used to live). We enjoyed walking in this night market; better comparing to Shilin, we went back to hotel, watched TV and packed. This marks a closure of our stay in Taipei. (We did not have a chance to go to 淡水漁人碼頭, may be next time, next year).

In general, I am very proud of Taiwanese people, they are working very hard, to make a living. The economy is not good, it reflected in the清粥小菜 business b/c the owner went down to greet us when we were still inside the Taxi, paying the driver. We were shocked first, not knowing who she is, then figured out she tried to drag us inside the清粥小菜 shop she owns. She told us it used to be many more清粥小菜 shops but only few left due to bad economy. I also enjoy watching news on TV, much better story-telling and visual then Cincinnati news. There is a TV program both Ben and I enjoy, the host is a lawyer, and guests are humorous (not low class), we watch every day before bed time. I do not think I can survive here in Taipei Taiwan, people are hard working, smart, changing pace quickly, like Hong Kong people and Japanese. One thing I notice is people get up late, we usually are the first ones out, the street is pretty empty when 9 AM ish. By the way, Danny’s aunt is very nice, just like Danny, very helpful and tried to fold clothes in Daddy’s room when she saw the clothes hanging in front of Daddy’s bookcase.

8 則留言:

陳社長 提到...

Hi, Peggy,

Long time no see. It is quite an interesting and extensive report for a 7-day trip in Taipei. By the way, I learned to make octopus balls personally a few years ago in Osaka. Give me a call when you come back to Taipei again. I can show you some more interesting places in Taipei.

老胡 提到...


oming 提到...

What a surprise!Peggy is another classmate I haven't seen for more
than 25 Years.
After I seeing your 7-day Taipei Trip article, the image of a beautiful & graceful girl just come to me. See you soon!

tinandcats 提到...



人云亦芸 提到...


Yuan n Yali 提到...


oming 提到...


Peggy Yang 提到...


I have been reading the posted articles and pics on this blog. Kudos to those who bring this communication forum alive. And, Thanks to those who remember my BD back in Dec and commented my 7-day Taipei trip posting.

I have been living in States for about 24 years now, so going back to visit Taipei is a big life changing event for me. (I admire you who live in Taipei or Taiwan in general, such a beautiful city and country.)

My trip brings back all the memories, so I wish I can visit again and see you all face to face next year or so. Happy New Year and God Bless.

Peggy Yang