2009年11月29日 星期日

Nov Update from Cincinnati

Dear all,

Time flies, tomorrow is the last day of a almost 5 days Thanksgiving holiday and vacation, am going to face the fact that Mon Nov 30 will be my first day back to office, back to reality and work. Thank God that I have a peaceful Thanksgiving week and did not spend unreasonably on buying either online or in stores. Thank God my family has good health and our church continues to reach out to other places outside of Cincinnati.

Speaking of church, I currently pray for two missionaries, one is Wendy Wong who is a young woman from Hong Kong but will be full time devoted to a remote area in Thailand (the place she will live has no public transportation, no electricity, no wireless, etc) to assist her newly wedded husband/pastor to build up church/school for underprivileged local children and people there (Aka people). The other missionary I pray for is Rod Williamson whose parents, grand-parents, great grand-parents, devoted their lives for Chinese and Taiwanese. Rod and his wife along with 2 teen sons have been living in Taichung, Taiwan in the past several years already, working on ministering & setting up sustainable / scalable seminary property and system for missionaries who come to Taiwan. Every year, our study group will prepare a Christmas gift box and sent to Rod Williamson as a small token of our appreciation, on behalf of the Cincinnati Chinese Church's Friday Night Bible Study Group.

As I wrap up Thanksgiving week and approaching to upcoming month of Dec and Christmas, I specially thank God for his provision - the food we eat, clothes we wear, air we breath, and the natural beauty of trees, birds, wind, mountain, etc.

I wish you a wonderful and peaceful winter vacation and holiday.

Jie-Pay (Peggy)

2 則留言:

老胡 提到...



Sally Wu 提到...


This Sally (延莎莉).Just reconnected with our college friends. So glad to know that you are a believer and obviously involved in missionary ministry. me too.

love hearing from you.

ps: 老胡,不知您還記得我嗎? 大學時期我矇懂無知,不太活躍。跟你們還有陳社長諸位才子才女在一起很有自卑感耶!