五月白北加回台,本來打算回高雄時設法找出慧瑛的行蹤,但似乎遭遇一些"阻礙",所以我就試著上Facebook搜尋看看,看到一位Huiying Sun有個朋友叫J. D. Chiou,我心想這應該就是慧瑛和她老公了吧?!
沒想到,留了訊息後卻久不見回音,本想放棄了,雖然--世界上還有另一對Huiying Sun & J. D. Chiou,也未免太巧了!
6 則留言:
慧瑛說:I can't wait to know where is everyone and how is each one doing......
It is amazing that during my one week vacation in Virginia last week, I not only hooked up with my high school classmates after 31 years, I also received an email from facebook, telling me that someone was looking for me. Surprisingly, it is from Peng Wan-Ling! Life in US for 27 years have been busy. It must be the age thing that I finally slow down. It is great to receive the class directory and know how is everyone doing. I looked at the photos at the JC site and tried to associate the names with each face in the photos. It is scary to look back 30 years. How many 30 years do we have in our life time? I thank you so much for bringing me back to the college years. Now I am ready to move forward for another 30 years:) Visit me if you ever come to South Carolina: Myrtle beach, hilton head, Charston..., and if you like golfing, come to see me in Augusta GA where the annual golfing Masters take place. Great to see you all again after 27 years!!!
^^ 問候這位曾經一起上課同學。